Health And Wellbeing For The Over 50s

Restoring Confidence: Cost of Hair Transplant Surgery in the UK

cost of hair transplant surgery

Hair loss, a condition that once seemed irreversible, has seen breakthroughs in treatments over the past few decades. One such solution is hair transplant surgery. This medical procedure, while being a beacon of hope for many, brings up an essential question. What is the cost of hair transplant surgery in the UK?

Hair transplant surgery starts at around £2,500 and can cost upwards of £15,000. Before exploring the full details of the cost of hair transplant surgery, it is important to understand what the different treatments entail as this has a significant bearing on the cost.

The surgical procedure involves transferring hair follicles from one part of the body, often referred to as the “donor site” to a balding or thinning area, known as the “recipient site”. Common methods include Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) and Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE). Each method comes with its own advantages, techniques, recovery time and, importantly, price points.

So, can hair transplant surgery help to restore your hair and rebuild your confidence? Let’s have a look at the details……………….

What causes hair loss?

How do you know whether your hair loss is temporary or permanent?

It is completely normal to comb your hair and collect those 20-50 broken hair strands… This tends to be temporary hair loss.

Temporary hair loss can be treated with appropriate medicines following  consultation with  your doctor.

The real hair loss journey begins when you are collecting those broken hair strands and your body is not growing new ones. That can be a genuine problem.

This can be due to androgenic alopecia, which is your inheritance gift given by either your maternal or paternal genes. Alas, it is a gift no one would want to have! It tends to be permanent. 

But, you cannot just blame your parent’s genes every time. Sometimes, hormonal changes or certain medical conditions can also cause hair loss.

Medical problems related to the heart, bones, blood pressure or thyroid can cause excessive hair loss. Hormonal changes caused by pregnancy, postpartum, or the menopause can disturb your hair growth too.

This type of hair loss could be temporary but sometimes may become permanent. Cancer and its associated treatments, is also a well-known reason for hair loss.

Excessive use of hair styling products or certain hair treatments can damage your hair follicles and end up disrupting the hair growth process. This type of hair loss may start with thinning of hairs but may be followed by permanent hair loss.


If you have lost your precious hairs and the ability to regrow them naturally then…

Science has a solution to this problem!

There are many treatments for permanent hair loss. The fastest-growing hair loss treatment in the UK is HAIR TRANSPLANT!

With a 90-95% success rate, science will help you regain your favourite hairstyles in less than 6 months. 

Think of a hair transplant as a process of taking some hairs from other parts of your scalp and moving them to your bald spot.

What is the Cost of Hair Transplant Surgery in the UK

Region of the UKAverage Cost for 2500 grafts (5000 hairs)

The cost of hair transplant surgery starts at around £2,500 and can cost up to £15,000. The price depends on many factors such as the number of grafts needed, the hair transplant method of choice, the location of the clinic and the surgeon’s experience.

Let us take a closer look at these factors influencing the cost of hair transplant surgery:

  1. Procedure Type: As mentioned earlier, FUT and FUE are the two predominant procedures. Typically, FUE tends to be more labour intensive, requiring individual follicle extraction, and thus might come at a premium.
  2. Expertise of the surgeon: Just as in any medical field, the surgeon’s experience and reputation play a sugnificant role in the pricing. A highly regarded surgeon with a proven track record might charge more for their services, assuring you of their expertise and the quality of their results.
  3. Location of the Clinic: London clinics, for example, might have higher overheads than those in other parts of the country. Consequently, this can reflect in the surgery costs.
  4. Number of grafts: The severity of hair loss determines the number of grafts you will need. Naturally, more grafts mean a higher cost.
  5. Facility Amenities: Some clinics offer state of the art facilities, advanced equipment and luxurious post-surgery care, which can add to the cost.


An average hair grafting treatment costs around £2.50 to £5.00 per graft in the UK.

Each graft typically consists of 2 hairs but can have 3. So, if you are having 1,000 grafts (2,000 hairs), it will cost you around £2500-£5000 as a rough estimate.

The consultation with your dermatologist will determine how many graftings you will need to get the desired hairstyle.

Is hair transplant surgery safe?

Although hair transplant surgery is a relatively new phenomenon, it is generally safe. Advanced technologies have made the hair transplantation procedure virtually completely safe for all age groups.

However, beware of clinics which try to rush you into making a decision and make sure you speak to the doctor who will be performing your procedure. Don’t be afraid to ask about the surgeon’s qualifications, the clinic’s success rate and what happens if things go wrong.

Bear this in mind when considering many of the advertisements for hair transplant surgery abroad.

The procedure of hair transplant surgery

So, firstly…choose a professional, certified dermatologist for a consultation. If you are the right candidate for a hair transplant, your dermatologist will inform you. If not, other treatments will be suggested.

There are two follicle obtaining techniques widely used by dermatologists: Follicular Unit Transplantation and Follicular Unit Extraction or more recently termed, Excision. Or you can simply call it FUT and FUE.

Before starting, your scalp is carefully cleaned. Once anaesthesia numbs the spot, you are ready for the treatment.

What is FUT?

In this method, your surgeon will cut a piece of skin from the back of your head. Next this piece of scalp is divided carefully into small sections. These pieces will be implanted into the recipient area. And that’s it… The difference between these techniques is the cut. For FUT, your surgeon will cut linearly. This procedure has now been overtaken by the FUE technique but still has a place and is recommended if you have more extensive hair loss and a smaller donor area.

And what about FUE?

In this technique, rather than a strip, the surgeon will extract individual hair follicles from the sides and the back of the head. The surgeon cuts the skin with the help of a small circular punch incisor which is less than a millimetre in diameter.and inserts the grafts into the recipient area resembling a natural hair pattern.

For a smaller procedure where only a few hundred grafts are needed, the procedure can be completed in a couple of hours. For a larger procedure where 2-3,000 grafts are needed, the surgeon will perform the procedure over a couple of days.

 The grafting process remains the same and you will have to cover your head for a few days.

How long does it take to recover from hair transplant surgery?

The average recovery time from FUE hair transplantation is less than 7 days. Redness, swelling and bruising are all normal after the procedure. Swelling should last between 2 to 3 days and redness usually takes about a week to fade.

Post-transplant care

Post-transplant care is really important. If you are seeking hair transplant treatment, it will really aid your recovery if you take a week off work and clear your schedule. You will have to rest properly. Your surgeon will suggest some painkillers to reduce headaches and some antibiotics to reduce any chance of infection or inflammation although this rarely occurs after the treatment. Regular check-ups are important after the procedure with the first one usually scheduled within the first 2 weeks and then one normally after 6 months and a final check up after 12 months.

Is hair transplant surgery painful?

Hair transplant surgery is not a painful procedure because it is carried out under local anaesthetic and possibly sedation. There can be a little discomfort and tenderness but this is temporary and usually wears off after a couple of days.

What are the alternatives to a hair transplant?

If you are thinking of going for non-surgical hair regrowth methods – you are probably aware of medications such as Minoxidil and Finasteride. However, they have no effect on receding hairlines, and most new hair is lost within a few months after you stop taking the drugs. It is also possible that they may increase depression and anxiety . This may be a problem if you already suffer from these conditions – they may get worse.

How does a hair transplant compare to the alternatives?

Patience is the best virtue?
Supplements are EXTREMELY slow if taken alone - it takes Minoxidil more than 4 months to just start showing results.
Quick results
If you are someone who’ll forget to take a tablet in the morning and a solution at night, try a hair transplant. It can help in regrowing your hair within 2-6 months.
Consult your dermatologist
According to reports , Finasteride can cause male fertility problems. If you are trying for children, you may want to drop the idea of taking this supplement.
Safe and healthy!
Hair transplants have no link with male fertility. Also, it is generally a completely safe procedure!
Werewolf Syndrome
Minoxidil can also cause Hypertrichosis - an excessive hair growth syndrome.
Spot treatment
Hair transplant is strictly a spot treatment and yields results only in desired areas.


There are many alternative methods of combatting hair loss including the use of hair pieces and wigs. But these do not address the underlying problem and don’t address the loss of confidence and identity that many people find the most devastating result of hair loss and baldness.

It is little wonder why some people choose to go for cheap drugs rather than hair transplants. Hair transplantation is a costly treatment. But, if you are willing to choose a better, safer, and quicker treatment that has a 95% success rate – then you may decide to go for a hair transplant. 

But while the cost of hair transplant surgery is undoubtedly a critical consideration, it shouldn’t be the only factor when making your decision. A successful hair transplant doesn’t just fill in bald spots; it restores confidence, improves your self image and positively impacts overall wellbeing.

Cheap procedures might be tempting, but cutting corners can lead to unsatisfactory results or health complications. Therefore when considering a hair transplant:

  • Research: Look at reviews, before and after photos and testimonials.
  • Consult: Seek consultations with several clinics and surgeons. This will give you a better grasp of the procedure tailored for you and the costs involved.
  • Post-Surgery Care: A successful transplant goes beyond the surgery. Proper care, as guided by the surgeon, will ensure the longevity of the transplanted hair.


Hair transplant surgery may be more expensive initially than other alternatives but should offer a permanent solution to your hair loss, giving you back your self confidence and freedom from anxiety. Remember, the goal isn’t just growth on your scalp, but a boost in the quality of life that comes with looking and feeling your best.

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