When you’re suffering from nausea, you often don’t feel like eating at all, but this will only make you feel worse. It’s important to continue getting the essential nutrients your body needs, many of which will help to relieve your nausea. You just need to choose foods that are easy on the stomach. Here are some of the ones you should reach for when you’re feeling queasy.
Foods to Relieve Nausea
1) Ginger
Ginger has been used to relieve nausea for centuries, and while it’s unclear how it works, it seems to be effective for many people. Most opt for ginger tea, but ginger lemonade, ginger ale and gingersnap biscuits are all options too.
2) Crackers
Nibbling on crackers can help to calm those queasy feelings because the high starch content means they absorb some excess stomach acid. They’re also light and bland, which makes them relatively easy to tolerate when you’re feeling sick.
3) Chicken Broth
Liquid foods can be the easiest to digest when you’re feeling nauseous, but a lot of soups can be too heavy on the stomach. Instead, try a low-fat chicken broth. Broth provides valuable amounts of salt and fluid without being strong enough in flavour to exacerbate nausea.
4) Nuts
A lack of protein can make nausea feel even worse, so try snacking on nuts, which provide you with plenty of protein while still being light and digestible. They’ll quickly replenish your depleted energy, which can help to keep your nausea at bay.
5) Bananas
Bananas are full of antioxidants, which boost the immune system, while being bland enough to eat while nauseous. They also contain plenty of potassium – a mineral that the body loses through perspiration and vomiting.
6) Apples
Apples, as well as other fibre-rich fruits and vegetables, can really help to get nausea-inducing chemicals out of your system. Just make sure you don’t eat too much at once – nibble on small bits of apple. If you’re having trouble eating solids, you can try apple sauce.
When deciding what’s safe to eat while nauseous, you should generally opt for light, bland foods and steer clear of fried or greasy foods. Eat small meals and eat them slowly, and make sure you rest for a while after eating, with your head elevated. You should also consistently drink plenty of water. Being low on fluids will only make your nausea worse and will give you an accompanying headache, so it’s important to stay adequately hydrated.
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